I don’t know about you but I can feel Winter creeping up faster than I would like. The days seem shorter and we are beginning to ward off the dreaded cold bugs.

At this time of year nature has very thoughtfully provided seasonal fruit to boost the immune system and keep the bugs at bay. Valencia Oranges are perfect for juicing and are full of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that is believed to reduce the likelihood of getting a cold. I have partnered orange with pear, also in season in Autumn. The pear adds some additional Vitamin C and potassium to your smoothie.

The flavour of this smoothie is like a Jaffa – a nutty chocolate orange. 





  1. Add the ingredients to your Blitz2Go and process until thick and smooth.
  2. Top with coconut flakes to serve if desired.


b2ap3_thumbnail_Kyrstie-Barcak-profile-image-AFL.jpgRecipes created and shared by Kyrstie Barcak at A Fresh Legacy – Grow Fresh Cook Fresh

She aims to inspire others to grow and cook fresh food and involve her children in the process and activities. She is slowly taking over the family backyard, planting as many vegetables as possible in the available space. When there is not enough to eat from the garden Kyrstie and her family support local farmers and businesses.

You can find her also at:


